Hotodogo: Night-City
#Hello Edgerunners, welcome to the Night-City.


Keep Django server running after close ssh session

Meet screen Connect through ssh, start screen. This open a virtual console emulator on top of the one provided by ssh. Start your server there. Then press Ctrl-a, then d. This detaches the screen session, keeping it running in the background. Quit screens killall screen screen -list screen -S SCRE...

Python Handbook

Introduction to Python Python is literally eating the programming world. It is growing in popularity and usage in ways that are pretty much unprecedented in the history of computers. Python excels in a wide variety of scenarios – Shell scripting, task automation, and Web development are just...
Python Handbook

1800 miles

We’re 1,800 miles apart but it might as well be a million. Not like it would matter even if we were a mile away, because everything would still be the same....

Hey. Things are getting bad again

You made me promise to tell you when things were getting worse again but I just can’t. Something tells me that things aren’t bad enough to talk about them, that I can still turn everything around. That this is just a slip, I’ll be getting back on track soon. But I cry a little harder now, the sleepl...

Just for a little while

Dear you, I just want to fill that void of emptiness if only for a little while. I know I’m going to regret it but for a just a little while I might not care, I might not be sad, I might not feel the pain and anguish, I might not miss you, no it’s not possible. If only I could forget, forget what...

New file types to Win10 Context Menu

You can add a new file type to the New item section of the Windows 10 Context Menu, but you will have to edit the Windows Registry. Here is how you do it. I have never counted, but there are probably over a dozen ways to start a new file in an application in Microsoft Windows 10. You can click or ta...

What's this?

The Night-City version of Hotodogo inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Not finished yet.

Pinned Message

The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.

Developer, Designer, Blogger.

Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.

Feel free to contact me.




随时恭候 垂询