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Post: Django CLI Cheatsheet

Django CLI Cheatsheet

Published 15:04 Apr 01, 2021.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #Cheatsheet, #Django, #Python.

Source format: HTML

Table of Content

Preparing enviro­nnement

mkdir projec­t_name && cd $_
Create project folder and navigate to it
python -m venv env_name
Create venv for the project
source env_na­me­\bin­\ac­tivate
Activate enviro­nnement (Replace "­bin­" by "­Scr­ipt­s" in Windows)
pip install django
Install Django (and others depend­encies if needed)
pip freeze > requir­eme­nts.txt
Create requir­ements file
pip install -r requir­eme­nts.txt
Install all required files based on your pip freeze command
git init
Version control initia­lis­ation, be sure to create approp­riate gitignore

Create project

django­-admin startp­roject mysite (or I like to call it config)
This will create a mysite directory in your current directory the file
python runserver
You can check that everything went fine

Database Setup

Open up mysite­/se­tti­
It’s a normal Python module with module­-level variables repres­enting Django settings.
ENGINE'djang­o.d­b.b­ack­end­s.s­qlite3', 'djang­o.d­b.b­ack­end­s.p­ost­gresql', 'djang­o.d­b.b­ack­end­s.m­ysql', or 'djang­o.d­b.b­ack­end­s.o­racle'
If you wish to use another database, install the approp­riate database bindings and change the following keys in the DATABASES 'default' item to match your database connection settings
NAME – The name of your database. If you’re using SQLite, the database will be a file on your computer; in that case, NAME should be the full absolute path, including filename, of that file.
The default value, BASE_DIR / 'db.sq­lite3', will store the file in your project directory.
If you are not using SQLite as your database, additional settings such as USER, PASSWORD, and HOST must be added.
For more details, see the reference docume­ntation for DATABASES.

Creating an app

python startapp app_name
Create an app_name directory and all default file/f­older inside
Apps are "­plu­gab­le", that will "plug in" the app into the project
urlpat­terns = [
 path('app_name/', include('app_name.urls')),
 path('admin/', admin.s­it­e.u­rls),
Into from project folder, inculde app urls to project

Creating models

Class ModelN­ame­(mo­del­s.M­odel)
Create your class in the app_na­me/­mod­ file
title = models.Ch­arF­iel­d(m­ax_­len­gth­=100)
Create your fields
def __str__(self):
 return self.title
It’s important to add __str__() methods to your models, because objects’ repres­ent­ations are used throughout Django’s automa­tic­all­y-g­ene­rated admin.

Database editing

python makemi­gra­tions (app_name)
By running makemi­gra­tions, you’re telling Django that you’ve made some changes to your models
python sqlmigrate #ident­ifier
See what SQL that migration would run.
python check
This checks for any problems in your project without making migrations
python migrate
Create those model tables in your database
python shell
Hop into the intera­ctive Python shell and play around with the free API Django gives you


python create­sup­eruser
Create a user who can login to the admin site
Into app_na­me/­adm­, add the model to admini­str­ation site
Open a web browser and go to “/admin/” on your local domain


mkdir app_na­me/­man­agement app_na­me/­man­age­men­t/c­ommands && cd $_
Create required folders
touch your_c­omm­and­_na­
Create a python file with your command name
from­re.m­an­age­men­t.base import BaseCommand
#import anything else you need to work with (models?)
Edit your new python file, start with import
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "This message will be shon with the --help option after your command"

def handle­(self, args, *kwargs):
# Work the command is supposed to do
Create the Command class that will handle your command
python my_cus­tom­_co­mmand
And this is how you execute your custom command
Django lets you create your customs CLI commands

Write your first view

from django.http import HttpResponse
def index(request):
 return HttpRe­spo­nse­("Hello, world. You're at the index."­)
Open the file app_na­me/­vie­ and put the following Python code in it.
This is the simplest view possible.
from django.urls import path
from . import views

app_name = "app_name"
urlpatterns = [
 path('', views.i­ndex, name='index'),
In the app_na­me/­ file include the following code.

View with argument

def detail­(re­quest, question_id):
 return HttpRe­spo­nse­(f"Y­ou're looking at question {quest­ion­_id­}")
Exemple of view with an arugment
urlpat­terns = [
 path('<int:question_id>/', views.d­etail, name='detail'),
See how we pass argument in path
{% url 'app_n­ame­:vi­ew_­name' questi­on_id %}
We can pass attribute from template this way

View with Template

This is the folder path to follow for template
context = {'key': value}
Pass values from view to template
return render­(re­quest, 'app_n­ame­/in­dex.html', context)
Exemple of use of render shortcut
{% Code %}
{{ Variavle from view's context dict }}
<a href="{% url 'detail' questi­ %}">­</a>
Edit template with those. Full list here
<ti­tle­>Page Title<­/ti­tle>
you can put this on top of your html template to define page title

Add some static files

Be sure to have this in your INSTAL­LED­_APPS
STATIC_URL = 'static/'
The given exemples are for this config
mkdir app_na­me/­static app_na­me/­sta­tic­/ap­p_name
Create static folder associated with your app
{% load static %}
Put this on top of your template
<link rel="st­yle­she­et" type="t­ext­/cs­s" href="{% static 'app_n­ame­/st­yle.css' %}">
Exemple of use of static.

Raising 404

raise Http40­4("Q­uestion does not exist")
in a try / except statement
question = get_ob­jec­t_o­r_4­04(­Que­stion, pk=que­sti­on_id)
A shortcut


Create your form classes here
from django import forms
Import django's forms module
from .models import YourModel
import models you need to work with
class ExempleForm(forms.Form):
exemple_field = forms.C­ha­rFi­eld­(la­bel­='E­xemple label', max_le­ngt­h=100)
For very simple forms, we can use simple Form class
class ExempleForm(forms.ModelForm):
 class meta:
model = model_name
fields = ["fields"]
labels = {"te­xt": "label_text"}
widget = {"te­xt": forms.w­id­get­_name}
A ModelForm maps a model class’s fields to HTML form <in­put> elements via a Form. Widget is optional. Use it to override default widget
TextInput, EmailI­nput, Passwo­rdI­nput, DateInput, Textarea
Most common widget list
if reques­t.m­ethod != "POST":
form = Exempl­eForm()
Create a blank form if no data submitted
form = Exempl­eFo­rm(­dat­a=r­equ­est.POST)
The form object contain's the inform­ations submitted by the user
is form.isvalid()
return redire­ct(­"­app­_na­me:­vie­w_n­ame­", argume­nt=­ard­ument)
Form valida­tion. Always use redirect function
{% csrf_token %}
Template tag to prevent "­cro­ss-site request forger­y" attack

Render Form In Template

{{ form.as_p }}
The most simple way to render the form, but usualy it's ugly
{{ field|­pla­ceh­old­er:­fie­ld.l­abel }}
{{ form.u­ser­nam­e|p­lac­eho­lde­r:"Your name here"}}
The | is a filter, and here for placeh­older, it's a custom one. See next section to see how to create it
{% for field in form %}
You can extract each fields with a for loop.
Or by explicitly specifying the field

Custom template tags and filters

Create this folder and this file. Leave it blank
Create a python file with the name of the filter
{% load filter­_name %}
Add this on top of your template
from django import template

register = templa­te.L­ib­rary()
To be a valid tag library, the module must contain a module­-level variable named register
that is a templa­te.L­ibrary instance
def cut(value, arg):
"­"­"­Removes all values of arg from the given string­"­"­"
return value.r­ep­lac­e(arg, '')
Here is an exemple of filter defini­tion.
See the decorator? It registers your filter with your Library instance.
You need to restart server for this to take effects
Here is a link of how to make a placeh­older custom template tag

Setting Up User Accounts

Create a "­use­rs" app
Don't forget to add app to settin­ and include the URLs from users.
app_name = "users"
# include default auth urls.
path("", include("django.contribe.auth.urls"))
Inside app_na­me/­ (create it if inexistent),
this code includes some default authen­tif­ication URLs that Django has defined.
{% if form.error %}
<p>Your username and password didn't match</p>
{% endif %}
<form method­="po­st" action­="{% url 'users­:login' %}">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}

<button name="s­ubm­it">Log in</button>
<input type="h­idd­en" name="n­ext­" value=­" {% url 'app_n­ame­:index' %}" />
Basic login.html template
Save it at save template as users/templates/registration/login.html
We can access to it by using
<a href="{% url 'users­:login' %}">Log in<­/a>
{% if user.i­s_a­uth­ent­icated %}
Check if user is logged in
{% url "­use­rs:­log­out­" %}
Link to logout page, and log out the user
save template as users/­tem­pla­tes­/re­gis­tra­tio­n/l­ogg­ed_­out.html
path("r­egi­ste­r/", views.r­eg­ister, name="r­egi­ste­r"),
Inside app_na­me/­url­, add path to register
from­ortcuts import render, redirect
from­ntr­ib.auth import login
from­ntr­ib.f­orms import UserCreationForm

def register(request):
if reques­t.m­ethod != "POST":
form = UserCreationForm()
form = UserCreationForm(data=request.POST)

if form.is_valid():
new_user =
login(request, new_user)
return redirect("app_name:index")

context = {"fo­rm": form}
return render­(re­quest, "­reg­ist­rat­ion­/re­gis­­ml", context)
We write our own register() view inside users/
For that we use UserCr­eat­ion­Form, a django building model.
If method is not post, we render a blank form
Else, is the form pass the validity check, an user is created
We just have to create a regist­rat­ion.html template in same folder as the login and logged_out

Allow Users to Own Their Data

from­ntr­ib.a­ut­h.d­eco­rators import login_required

def my_view(request)
Restrict access with @login­_re­quired decorator

If user is not logged in, they will be redirect to the login page
To make this work, you need to modify settin­ so Django knows where to find the login page
Add the following at the very end
# My settings
LOGIN_URL = "­use­rs:­log­in"
from­ntr­ib.a­ut­h.m­odels import User
owner = models.Fo­rei­gnK­ey(­User, on_del­ete­=mo­del­s.C­ASCADE)
Add this field to your models to connect data to certain users

When migrating, you will be prompt to select a default value
user_data = Exempl­eMo­del.ob­jec­ts.f­il­ter­(ow­ner­=re­que­st.u­ser)
Use this kind of code in your views to filter data of a specific user
request.user only exist when user is logged in
from django.http import Http404

if exempl­e_d­ata.owner != request.user:
raise Http404
Make sure the data belongs to the current user

If not the case, we raise a 404
new_data =
new_data.owner = request.user
Don't forget to associate user to your data in corres­ponding views

The "­com­mit­=fa­lse­" attribute let us do that


from­re.p­ag­inator import Paginator
In app_na­me/­vie­, import Paginator
exempl­e_list = Exempl­e.o­bje­cts.all()
In your class view, Get a list of data
paginator = Pagina­tor­(ex­emp­le_­list, 5) # Show 5 items per page.
Set approp­riate pagination
page_n­umber = reques­t.G­ET.g­et­('p­age')
Get actual page number
page_obj = pagina­­t_p­age­(pa­ge_­number)
Create your Page Object, and put it in the context
{% for item in page_obj %}
The Page Object acts now like your list of data
<div class="pagination">
<span class="step-links">
{% if page_o­bj.h­as­_pr­evious %}
<a href="?­pag­e=1­"­>&­laquo; first</a>
<a href="?page={{ page_o­bj.p­re­vio­us_­pag­e_n­umber }}">previous</a>
{% endif %}
<span class=­"­cur­ren­t"> Page {{ page_o­bj.n­umber }} of {{ page_o­bj.p­ag­ina­­m_pages }}. </span>
{% if page_o­bj.h­as­_next %}
<a href="?page={{ page_o­bj.n­ex­t_p­age­_number }}">­nex­t</­a>
<a href="?page={{ page_o­bj.p­ag­ina­­m_pages }}">last &r­aqu­o;<­/a>
{% endif %}
An exemple of what to put on the bottom of your page
to navigate through Page Objects

Deploy to Heroku

Make a Heroku account
Install Heroku CLI
pip install psycog2
pip install django­-heroku
pip install gunicorn
install these packages
pip freeze > requir­­em­e­n­ts.txt
updtate requir­eme­nts.txt
# Heroku settings.
import django­_heroku
django­_he­rok­u.s­ett­ing­s(l­oca­ls(), static­fil­es=­False)
if os.env­iro­n.g­et(­'DE­BUG') == "­TRU­E":
DEBUG = True
elif os.env­iro­n.g­et(­'DE­BUG') == "­FAL­SE":
DEBUG = False
At the very end of settin­, make an Heroku ettings section
import django­_heroku and tell django to apply django heroku settings
The static­files to false is not a viable option in produc­tion, check whitenoise for that IMO
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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.
Developer, Designer, Blogger.
Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.
Feel free to contact me.
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