Hotodogo: Night-City
#Hello Edgerunners, welcome to the Night-City.


Te Quiero Lento


All my stories started "We".

Theme Switcher

Use PACMAN as a Package Manager on MOST Linux Distros

You can download the stable script and make it executable. On non-Arch-based system, you may use pacman as script name instead of pacapt. $ sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/pacapt $ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/pacapt $ sudo ln -sv /usr/local/bin/pacapt /usr/l...

Git Stuffs

Branches - 分支 master - 默认主分支,一般功能开发不与此分支交互 hotfix-* - 问题修复分支,完成后立即合并入 master 与 develop 分支 develop - 主开发分支,也即功能最新最全的分支 feature-* - 功能开发分支,完成后合并入 develop 分支 release-* - 版本发布分支,完成后合并入 master 与 develop 分支并添加 tag 标记 其中 develop 及 hotfix-* 为 master 的子分支,feature-* 及 release-* 为 develop 的子分支。 首先由 mas...


身边的高楼鳞次栉比,心里却空荡荡的。 放佛掉入一个怪圈。 徘徊,往复。 在3800个日夜里,想念同一个你。 我始终觉得,只有热爱的事物,才能撑得起未来的漫长与枯燥。所以才会心有所期,才会鼓起勇气,不顾一切的追逐一场梦,以为只要有梦,就不再有世间疾苦,到最后才发现,这场梦就是世间疾苦。...
Ocean Wave Animation
Profile Card Hover Effect

The way i love is the way I want to be loved

the kind of love you don't let go of love that isn't lessened by distance or difficulty two passionate souls that fulfill each other friendship that is unbreakable love that makes regular loyalty seem less than loyal a kindness and sweetness that softens everyone around us and makes everyday fun a l...

What's this?

The Night-City version of Hotodogo inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Not finished yet.

Pinned Message

The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.

Developer, Designer, Blogger.

Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.

Feel free to contact me.




随时恭候 垂询