Hotodogo: Night-City
#Hello Edgerunners, welcome to the Night-City.


Fix Error /etc/mailcap is not in required format

So I got this error when I ran a "apt upgrade" command: Error: '/etc/mailcap' is not in required format -- not updated to fix it, you have to run these commands: sudo apt remove mime-support mailcap sudo apt install mime-support sudo update-mime Done....

Remove empty directory trees

Suppose I have a dir tree like this: ROOTDIR └--SUBDIR1 └----SUBDIR2 └----SUBDIR3 I am looking for a command such that when I input: $ [unknown command] ROOTDIR The whole dir tree can be deleted if there is no file but only dirs inside the whole tree. However, say if ther...

How to effectively delete a git submodule

To remove a submodule you need to: Delete the relevant section from the .gitmodules file. Stage the .gitmodules changes: git add .gitmodules. Delete the relevant section from .git/config. Run git rm --cached path_to_submodule (no trailing slash). Run rm -rf .git/modules/path_to_submodule (no traili...

uConsole with Raspberry Pi CM4 Lite

Raspberry Pi RealVNC can not be connected

What's wrong I just reinstalled the bookworm version of Raspberry OS for my 4B model. After enabled the VNC server, I can not connect to the Pi due to this error: unknown authentication scheme from vnc server 13, 5 How to fix I'd recommend using RealVNC's VNC Viewer - it's free to use and guarante...

Reinstall GRUB for Ubuntu

So I accidentally damaged my Ubuntu EFI data today, which caused my system to fail to start. Now, I have to reinstall GRUB: Boot from the live CD or live USB, in "Try Ubuntu" mode. Determine the partition number of your main partition. sudo fdisk -l, sudo blkid or GParted (which should already be...

Uninstall after make install

How to uninstall after "make install" Method #1 (make uninstall) Step 1: You only need to follow this step if you've deleted/altered the build directory in any way: Download and make/make install using the exact same procedure as you did before. Step 2: try make uninstall. cd $SOURCE_DIR sudo make...

How to increase swap space on your Raspberry Pi

To increase swap space on your Raspberry Pi, you can follow these steps: Check Current Swap Space Before making any changes, it's a good idea to check how much swap space is currently available on your Raspberry Pi. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal: free -h This com...

The ultimate guide on using systemd to autostart scripts on the Raspberry Pi

I keep hearing of users that have problems with crontab -e to autostart their scripts and I believe it’s time to generally use systemd instead. Systemd can be customized in many ways to make sure that your script is only started when certain requirements have been met and I find it a much more relia...
Tmux Cheatsheet

The M5Stack Cardputer

最近入手一个小玩意儿,M5Stack Cardputer 卡片电脑。 不过说是电脑,其实只是一个自带键盘的 ESP32 小设备,当然,也正因为有这个 ESP32 模块,使得 Cardputer 也可以像 Flipper Zero 一样完成一些网络相关的任务。 由于不具备实际意义的操作系统,因此只能通过烧录固件的方式更换程序,我们可以下载 M5Bunner 烧录自己喜欢的固件。M5Bunner 中还提供其他用户上传的固件,比如 Nemo、BadCard 等。 一个比较好的推荐是先烧录 M5-Launcher,然后将其他固件放入 SD 卡中使用,这样大多数情况下就不必再通过烧录的方式更换固件了。...
The M5Stack Cardputer

What's this?

The Night-City version of Hotodogo inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Not finished yet.

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.

Developer, Designer, Blogger.

Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.

Feel free to contact me.




随时恭候 垂询