Oct. 25th, 2024
2024年 9月 23日

Post: Everlong


Published 10:03 Mar 26, 2021.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Feelings, and tagged as #Sadness.

Source format: Markdown

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All I have are the memories of the months we spent together. Those are the glue that is barely holding my life together. You moved on. I don't blame you, I was (am) a wreck.

Who am I underneath? My former self is long gone. I drank him away.

You are an angel. I'm happy to know that for a short while we meant something to each other.

I don't think anything could be that good again.

I'm grateful for everything you did for me. Everything we did together. Everything we could have done together.

Yours, always and forever.

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.
Developer, Designer, Blogger.
Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.
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