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Post: What is TIC Read Status?

What is TIC Read Status?

Published 12:09 Sep 27, 2017.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #iOS.

Source format: Markdown

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Apple staff gave the following answer:

TIC expands to "TCP I/O connection", which is a subsystem within CFNetwork that runs a TCP connection.

For example: TIC Read Status [11:0x0]: 1:57.

1 and 57 are the CFStreamError domain and code, respectively; a domain of 1 is kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX and, within that domain, 57 is ENOTCONN.

In short, a TCP read has failed with ENOTCONN.

As the TCP I/O connection subsystem has no public API, you must necessarily be using it via some high-level wrapper (like NSURLSession).

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