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Post: OS X: Best practical way to validate NSTouchBar items

OS X: Best practical way to validate NSTouchBar items

Published 12:11 Nov 27, 2016.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #macOS.

Source format: Markdown

Table of Content

Protocol and extensions:

@available(macOS 10.12.1, *)
protocol TouchBarItemValidations: class {

    func validateTouchBarItem(_ item: NSTouchBarItem) -> Bool

@available(macOS 10.12.1, *)
extension NSTouchBarProvider {

    func validateTouchBarItems() {

        guard NSClassFromString("NSTouchBar") != nil else { return }  // run-time check

        guard let touchBar = self.touchBar else { return }

        // validate currently visible touch bar items
        for identifier in touchBar.itemIdentifiers {
            guard let item = touchBar.item(forIdentifier: identifier) as? NSCustomTouchBarItem else { continue }



@available(macOS 10.12.1, *)
extension NSCustomTouchBarItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem {

    func validate() {

        // validate content control
        if let control = self.control,
            let action = control.action,
            let validator = action, to:, from: self)
            if let validator = validator as? TouchBarItemValidations {
                control.isEnabled = validator.validateTouchBarItem(self)

            } else if let validator = validator as? NSUserInterfaceValidations {
                control.isEnabled = (validator as AnyObject).validateUserInterfaceItem(self)

    // MARK: Validated User Interface Item Protocol

    public var action: Selector? {

        return self.control?.action

    public var tag: Int {

        return self.control?.tag ?? 0

    // MARK: Private Methods

    private var control: NSControl? {

        return self.view as? NSControl


@available(macOS 10.12.1, *)
extension AppDelegate {

    func applicationDidUpdate(_ notification: Notification) {

        // validate touch bar items
        if #available(macOS 10.12.1, *) {
            for window in {
                for responder in sequence(first: window.firstResponder, next: { $0.nextResponder }) {
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