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Post: Python packaging Cheatsheet

Python packaging Cheatsheet

Published 08:08 Aug 02, 2020.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #Cheatsheet.

Source format: Markdown

Table of Content

Python Packaging

  • [ ] In your files export that classes and functions you want to export.
  • [ ] Create a pypi account
  • [ ] upload your package to
  • [ ] create the files pypi requires
  • setup.cfg
  • [ ] Upload the package to pypi
  • [ ] Maintain package file

Dir structure:


# Inside of
from MyLib.File1 import ClassA, ClassB, ClassC
from MyLib.File2 import ClassX, ClassY, ClassZ

Pypi Required Files

from distutils.core import setup
  name = 'YOURPACKAGENAME',         # How you named your package folder (MyLib)
  packages = ['YOURPACKAGENAME'],   # Chose the same as "name"
  version = '0.1',      # Start with a small number and increase it with every change you make
  license='MIT',        # Chose a license from here:
  description = 'TYPE YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE',   # Give a short description about your library
  author = 'YOUR NAME',                   # Type in your name
  author_email = '',      # Type in your E-Mail
  url = '',   # Provide either the link to your github or to your website
  download_url = '',    # I explain this later on
  keywords = ['SOME', 'MEANINGFULL', 'KEYWORDS'],   # Keywords that define your package best
  install_requires=[            # I get to this in a second
    'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',      # Chose either "3 - Alpha", "4 - Beta" or "5 - Production/Stable" as the current state of your package
    'Intended Audience :: Developers',      # Define that your audience are developers
    'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools',
    'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',   # Again, pick a license
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',      #Specify which pyhton versions that you want to support
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
  • download_url -- You have previously uploaded your project to your github repository. Now, we create a new release version of your project on github. This release will then be downloaded by anyone that runs the “pip install YourPackage” command.
  • install_requires -- Here, you define all the dependencies your package has — all the pip packages that you are importing.


# Inside of setup.cfg
description-file =

Uploading the package to pypi

Now, we create a source distribution with the following command:

$ python sdist

We will need twine for the upload process, so first install twine via pip:

$ pip install twine

Then, run the following command:

$ twine upload dist/*

You will be asked to provide your username and password. Provide the credentials you used to register to PyPi earlier.

Maintain Package

Simply upload your new code to github, create a new release, then adapt the file (new download_url — according to your new release tag, new version), then run the and the twin command again (navigate to your folder first!)

python sdist
twine upload dist/*

Finally, update your package via pip to see whether your changes worked:

pip install YOURPACKAGE --upgrade
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