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Post: The way i love is the way I want to be loved

The way i love is the way I want to be loved

Published 12:04 Apr 24, 2021.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Feelings, and tagged as #Sadness.

Source format: Markdown

Table of Content

the kind of love you don't let go of

love that isn't lessened by distance or difficulty

two passionate souls that fulfill each other

friendship that is unbreakable

love that makes regular loyalty seem less than loyal

a kindness and sweetness that softens everyone

around us and makes everyday fun

a lover who anticipates and reciprocates my needs

and gently will coax the very best from me

patiently waiting and planting seeds

dropping pebbles into pools of thought

slowly building my climatic rush

you and i are never truly apart

because we're connected at the heart.

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