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Post: Sadly, no one else compares

Sadly, no one else compares

Published 00:05 May 26, 2020.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Feelings, and tagged as #Sadness.

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I’m missing right now.

I miss your smile, your eyes and your free spirit personality. I shouldn’t miss you after all these years. But here I am having that heartbreaking feeling, the one where I know we will never see each other again. Our paths won’t cross accidentally. I’m never going to learn the things that make you, you. I can’t make you laugh. Can’t make you smile. Nothing. I miss you.

I realized that you’re actually my person, that’s unlikely to ever change. No one compares, past or present. Likely no one else will even compare in the future.

Take care, I will always love you. I know that now.

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.
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Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.
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