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Post: Sqlite Cheatsheet

Today is the A Memorial Day

Sqlite Cheatsheet

Published 08:08 Aug 02, 2020.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #Cheatsheet.

Source format: Markdown

Table of Content


Installing update

$ sudo apt install sqlite3

And to run the sqlite program you do

$ sqlite3

If you do not give a filename parameter then sqlite creates a temporary database, but if you give a filename it creates or connects to that database

$ sqlite3 dbName

Special Commands

  • .help -- lists all of the speical commands
  • .databases -- list names and files of attached databases
  • .excel -- Display the output of next command in spreadsheet
  • .quit -- Exit this program
  • .mode -- to switch between the output formats default output mode is "list"

Changing Output Formats

The sqlite3 program is able to show the results of a query in 14 different formats: - ascii, csv, html, json, list, quote, tabs, box, column, insert, line, markdown, table, table


sqlite> .mode list
sqlite> select * from tbl1;

Using the column type

sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> select * from tbl1;
one       two       
--------  ---
hello     10        
goodbye   20        

With markdown type

sqlite> .mode markdown
sqlite> select * from tbl1;
|   one   | two |
| hello!  | 10  |
| goodbye | 20  |

Redirecting I/O

You can redirect the output from console to a file.

sqlite> .mode list
sqlite> .separator |
sqlite> .output test_file_1.txt
sqlite> select * from tbl1;
sqlite> .exit
$ cat test_file_1.txt

You can also read sql input text from a file.

sqlite> .read myscript.sql

You can export directly to excel instead of a file:

sqlite> .excel
sqlite> SELECT * FROM tab

Accessing ZIP Archives As Database Files

Instead of files, you can read and write ZIP archives

  name,     // Name of the file
  mode,     // Unix-style file permissions
  mtime,    // Timestamp, seconds since 1970
  sz,       // File size after decompression
  rawdata,  // Raw compressed file data
  data,     // Uncompressed file content
  method    // ZIP compression method code

Converting An Entire Database To An ASCII Text File

Use the ".dump" command to convert the entire contents of a database into a single ASCII text file.

$ sqlite3 ex1 .dump | gzip -c >ex1.dump.gz

There are more commands to learn but this is sufficent enough for now

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.
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Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.
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