Oct. 18th, 2024
2024年 9月 16日

Post: Goodbye?

Today is the A Memorial Day


Published 23:06 Jun 28, 2020.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Feelings, and tagged as #Sadness.

Source format: Markdown

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When you’re far from me I realize just how much I love you. I want to feel you close to me in every conceivable way. I miss your voice, your smile, your body, your everything. It feels as though I’ve been watching your love for me die for years now; all the while mine for you just grows stronger. You said you missed loving me and it only affirms the feeling that you simply don’t anymore. It hurts. I truly thought that you were the one for me, that we’d grow old together, be a family, go on adventures together, do nothing together, laugh and cry together..that we’d be forever. It’s not as painful anymore, it just feels empty...and calm? I’m sorry for asking too much of you and for not being or doing enough. I’ll keep you in my heart, mind and soul until the day I die. You’ll always remain the love of my life and the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I hope you’re doing okay. I hope you’re taking care of yourself. Most of all I hope you’re happy.

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.
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Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.
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